Sunday, 14 February 2010


Are the teeth
When she smiles,
So bright and clear alike
Are the dear clouds above
But airbone ailments are
So flying up too,

So clear as crystals,
Are the waters in Lake Nyasa
And so white are the sand beaches,
But in there,
Are dangerous fresh eaters.

So bright are her eyes,
When she smiles,
So beautiful and smooth,
Is her skin when its washed
But don't be deceived
'coz inside is a devil.

So thick and kissaable,
Are the lips,
So big are the breasts,
But inside that,
Is a heart so weak and inconsiderate.

So big is her head,
So bright is her hair,
When its washed and shined.
But inside that,
Is no brain..

So don't be deceived..


Didn't you see the signs,
Didn't you tell at times,
Didn't you fore tell this,
Couldn't read the signs.
Yet ya call self, a scientist

Of global warming ya talk,
Didn't you see the warnings,
Didn't you see the floods,of tears
The world over,
Didn't you see the fires
Why didn't you foretell.

Didn't you the thunders,
Didn't you see,the moods in the sky
Did you,the angers in the weather
Is it coz it wasnt you.
But others saw,it coming.
I wonder why you didnt foretell.