Friday, 2 September 2011


It is not only light,
That it it gives me,
But warmth and happiness
All close to me.

Not only light,
Does it bring to me
But a scent,so nice
That my breath away it takes,

Not only light
Does it convey,
But a nice blow
As it glow in the
Darkness of the night

Not only light,
But sweeps away the doom,
And gloom around..

My scented candle..

Friday, 18 March 2011


It feels like heaven,
When i hold you tight,
Girl,nobody is gonna come between us,
Girl,my eyes stopped on you,
I am so much in love.

Girl,my head is in a spin,
I dont you to worry,
Please dont feel wearly,
My love cant be measured,
But should be treasured,

I told you i want you,,
Girl,i will not ket you go,
Girl i will give you some time,
As they give wine to mature,
Coz i am in so much with you.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Im the middle of the night,
I draw the curtains close,
Lower down the lights,
As the silence grows,
I am all alone,
In my lonesomeness.

As dusk falls,
Raindrops on the double grazed glass,
While the darkness gathers pace
I draw a picture in my mind,
Of you and me ,holding close
In my bed,i lie in my loneliness,
Painting a picture of love.

I lie down in my bed,
Thinking of you and me,
Soothing music bellows silently,
Girl you make me feel blue,
Lights soft and low
I think of you
In my loniliness ..