Tuesday, 22 July 2008


  1. Respect is earned bt when it is lost,it is so difficult to gather.
  2. We are authors and makers of our own destiny.Fo whoever loves discipline,loves knowledge.Those who hate corrections are stupid.
  3. A wife of noble character is a husbands crown,but a disgarceful wife is like cancer of the bones.
  4. Leave your simple ways and you will live,when pride comes first,then comes disgrace.
  5. The harder you work,the harder it becomes to surrender to things like fatigue,complaceny,discouragement and criticism.And all other stff that tries to break your stride.


I cant always have what i want.For i always have to wait...

Because waiting is an art,

If i can for a period,

I can achieve something

I couldnt achieve today however hard i work,

And fight for,

How much money i make,

However many times i bang my head against the wall.

There are things i cant have today

That i will be able to have in future,

So it does not make sense to drive

Myself crazy....and put

Mylife on hold .......struggling,

To accomplish something,

That will be easy when time is right

.....SAY THIS TO YOURSELF GERALD Somethings happen in our lives for a reason,to teach us various lessons..The latest is a blessing in disguise,so dont push matters,dont worry yourself,for a day will come when you will have a smile on your face....

(c)Lalli,2008 Inc,Copyright reserved.

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